Summer Self-Esteem

Summer is the season where we are often bombarded with messages about what your days “should'' look like. Women on beaches in tiny bikinis or enjoying a mimosa on the back of a boat (which 9 times out of ten is not even theirs). Outdoor concerts, markets, festivals, events. And don’t even get me started on all the vacation posts! Summer is probably one of the worst times of the year for FOMO, which can have a negative impact on your confidence and self-esteem.

If you find yourself comparing your life to someone else’s, it’s important to try and limit this as much as possible. Easier said than done, I know, but there’s a few strategies to help you do this.

While it has a lot of benefits, social media is the worst for enabling and promoting comparison culture. But social media is a highlight reel, and you really have no idea what their life is really like. Every photo is carefully selected and edited to showcase an optimal moment. If you find yourself scrolling Tik Tok and criticising yourself or feeling negatively about your life based on what you’re seeing, that is your sign to make some changes

Maybe it’s unfollowing that account, or at least putting them on mute for awhile. Instead, create a Favourites list full of friends, family, and accounts that you genuinely enjoy engaging with. It is also helpful to limit your social media or screen time in general, as social media platforms often intentionally promote accounts with these messages, despite their power to be harmful.

Summer may not be your favourite season, but ultimately it is your opportunity to make it whatever you want. For some, this does mean travel and beaches (lucky ducks!). For others, it might mean spending time with your kids and exploring your community. Your summer goals can even include growing your business or focusing on your wellness goals. The important thing is that you are focusing on your wants and needs, not someone else’s. Check in with yourself and your schedule. Are you prioritising the activities and people that matter to you?

*Trigger Warning: body image, eating/nutrition, and weight*

If we’re talking about self-esteem in the summer months, it’s important to address the elephant in the room: body image. If topics surrounding your body are uncomfortable or distressing to you, please feel free to end reading here xx

As the snow starts to melt, advertisements on TV and online quickly begin to shift from “look at how cozy my life is with this product!” to “Summer body! Bikini body! You better get started!!”. Coworkers start declining the lunchroom snacks and telling you about their goal to lose 10lbs for their upcoming summer holiday. More of your neighbours begin jogging on your street. 

I’m here to remind you that there is no such thing as a “summer body”. Your body is yours every day of every season. It is the body that has gotten you through good times and bad. It doesn’t ask for thanks, and it does a lot of incredibly powerful things all on its own to keep you alive and functioning. All it needs is to be nourished and cared for as much as you can. 

So this is your reminder that you do not need to change a single thing about your body in order to enjoy your summer. Even if you are a chronic warrior or have experienced a major change in your body, I encourage you to find ways to enjoy each and every day as it currently is. This doesn’t mean ditching or giving up on your goals; you can continue to grow and strive to improve, just as long as it is not based on trying to meet an unrealistic or unhealthy societal expectation. If you struggle with this, consider speaking with a trained mental health professional to help you work through this and develop some coping strategies that will help your unique needs.


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