mental health Brianna Urquhart mental health Brianna Urquhart

Can being cozy improve my mental health?

While there are many things I enjoy about the summer months, I am not afraid to admit that fall is my favourite season. There’s something about the cooler weather and the beautiful colours of the changing leaves that makes me feel comfortable and content. With the changes in temperature and sunlight, it’s also a time where we naturally start to spend more time indoors. Fall seemed like a natural time to really regroup and explore what rejuvenates me and how to obtain contentment after so much chaos. Much to my surprise, I found that living a cozy lifestyle actually made me feel less burnt out, more satisfied with my life, and supported other healthy habits I was struggling to implement.

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mental health, self-esteem Brianna Urquhart mental health, self-esteem Brianna Urquhart

Summer Self-Esteem

Summer is the season where we are often bombarded with messages about what your days “should'' look like. Women on beaches in tiny bikinis or enjoying a mimosa on the back of a boat (which 9 times out of ten is not even theirs). Outdoor concerts, markets, festivals, events. And don’t even get me started on all the vacation posts! Summer is probably one of the worst times of the year for FOMO, which can have a negative impact on your confidence and self-esteem.

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mental health Brianna Urquhart mental health Brianna Urquhart

Feel it to Heal It

I wish there was an exercise or practice or a program I could give that would help their client with this goal. But the truth is that I can’t - and, honestly, probably shouldn’t. Because our emotions are not inherently good or bad. They can be desirable or undesirable - nobody enjoys feeling scared or crying - but that does not mean that they do not sometimes serve a purpose. Our emotions simply are. If we eliminated certain emotions, but kept others, we would actually be setting ourselves up to fail.

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mental health Brianna Urquhart mental health Brianna Urquhart

Navigating New Mandates

If you’re in Ontario, there have been a lot of changes recently, and this trend is being shared around the world. Restrictions are generally lifting more than they ever have throughout the pandemic. It is a time of discomfort and concern for some, hope and relief for others. And you know what? Both sides of the spectrum are okay. If the recent announcements are negatively impacting you, here are some coping strategies that can help reduce anxiety, anger, and discomfort.

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self-care, mental health Brianna Urquhart self-care, mental health Brianna Urquhart

Winter Self-Care

Many of us probably feel like the groundhog lied to us. With tons of snowstorms, gray weather, and a global pandemic, self-care is arguably more important than ever. Here are self-care tips and practices to promote winter wellness.

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caregivers, mental health Brianna Urquhart caregivers, mental health Brianna Urquhart

Coping with Caregiver Burnout

Today, I want to share with you some prevention and coping strategies for caregiver burnout. These will be helpful whether you are currently trying to recover from burnout, or know that it’s something you want to get a handle on early. Prevention is so important, but if you’re in the Burnt Out Club - you’re not alone!

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therapy, mental health Brianna Urquhart therapy, mental health Brianna Urquhart

Benefits of Therapy

You’re not “crazy” if you’re in therapy. You don’t need a diagnosis to benefit from therapy. You also don’t have to have gone through a traumatic event. Therapy can be beneficial to anyone struggling with their mental health, life transitions, or problems in their relationships.

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