therapy, accessibility Brianna Urquhart therapy, accessibility Brianna Urquhart

Virtual Therapy

Virtual therapy, like other virtual services, became much more widespread during the pandemic. Here in Ontario, we have a great telehealth network that therapists were able to join. Therapy became available literally at your fingertips - on your smartphones, tablets, and computers. But now, like other fields, therapy offices are once again starting to open their doors. So, what does this mean for you?

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health, wellness Brianna Urquhart health, wellness Brianna Urquhart

Healthy Living in a Busy World

We live in a world that places value on productivity. Hustle Culture. The Grind. Much of our passive entertainment contains messages about becoming more, becoming better, about how to turn your hobby into a profitable venture. Our workplaces are the same, and many of us struggle with overwhelming to-do lists and not enough hours in the day. Our health is paying the price. So today, I’m sharing some of the strategies that I use as a therapist in my own life to foster healthy living in a busy world.

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mental health Brianna Urquhart mental health Brianna Urquhart

Feel it to Heal It

I wish there was an exercise or practice or a program I could give that would help their client with this goal. But the truth is that I can’t - and, honestly, probably shouldn’t. Because our emotions are not inherently good or bad. They can be desirable or undesirable - nobody enjoys feeling scared or crying - but that does not mean that they do not sometimes serve a purpose. Our emotions simply are. If we eliminated certain emotions, but kept others, we would actually be setting ourselves up to fail.

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caregivers, caregiving, social work Brianna Urquhart caregivers, caregiving, social work Brianna Urquhart

Caregiving As a Professional

I’ve been asked many times what it’s like to be a caregiver. People who have never experienced the role are curious about what it entails. How it feels to support a friend or loved one, or how it feels if you have made caregiving your career. The questions are always interesting to me, because there are many aspects of my identity that come into play.

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health, wellness Brianna Urquhart health, wellness Brianna Urquhart

What Is Holistic Health?

This week was World Health Day. Every year, the world celebrates the foundation of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the commitment that it represents to the international protection of health. This global awareness day is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to reflect and explore their own health. Our health is probably the most essential factor in our daily life, and yet it is often the first thing that we tend to forget all about.

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mental health Brianna Urquhart mental health Brianna Urquhart

Navigating New Mandates

If you’re in Ontario, there have been a lot of changes recently, and this trend is being shared around the world. Restrictions are generally lifting more than they ever have throughout the pandemic. It is a time of discomfort and concern for some, hope and relief for others. And you know what? Both sides of the spectrum are okay. If the recent announcements are negatively impacting you, here are some coping strategies that can help reduce anxiety, anger, and discomfort.

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social work, productivity Brianna Urquhart social work, productivity Brianna Urquhart

Boundaries I Set As A Social Worker

A theme that comes up a lot during Social Work Month and Social Work Week is the impact of working in such a high-stress field and navigating what sometimes feels like impossibly high caseloads. So I’m going to share some boundaries I try to maintain in my practice to stave off the burnout. I’m not perfect, and these boundaries are hard work, but the effort to implement and maintain them are what truly counts.

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social work, self-care Brianna Urquhart social work, self-care Brianna Urquhart

Social Work Self-Care

Today I’m going to be sharing some self-care tips specifically for social workers. We are currently practicing in a time of incredible chaos, and many of the other social workers that I am lucky to call friends or colleagues are all expressing the same thing: burnout. And so now more than ever, it is important to take a step back and make sure that our self-care toolbox is as diverse and equipped as possible.

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